Sophmore Year

I didn't go to CCF as much as the year went on and eventually stopped going to bible study. Louis left CCF for Harvest as did Katy and i had lost interest in Christianity.

With so many freshman in my life, i kind of felt like a freshman as i experienced new things on campus all the time. We went out alot more to parties and such and generally did all the things that freshman do (goof off at the UGLi).

Around January, we went to Huaren hip hop tryouts (led by Angie, Jay and Leslie) but i was really intimidated so even after going twice, i declined to try out. Hong made it and Brian backed out because fashion show tryouts were the same day that year. Heather and Gerald and some other assorted people i knew were in the dance too so Huaren was shaping up to be an event.

I got a chance to do video skits (with Brian) for the show so in a sense, i was "in" it but not really. Brian and Hong had a hell of a time doing the show and so after meeting tons of people from Huaren, they went out alot with them. The rest of the year was spent running around to different parties and meeting people.

GenAPA was a huge success that year (MAASU came to Michigan that year) and I was very impressed by FASA's act. In late March, Heather told us that Huaren was looking for people to help out next year and so me, Brian, Heather, Hong and Leslie went to the meeting whereupon we found out that we were to lead the show (along with Angie) next year. I didn't really give it much thought except to be semi-excited because i could finally do something.

As sophmore year drew to a close, i felt very entrenched at Michigan. I had decided to stop thinking about transferring to UCLA and to enjoy what i had here. I had met a whole new bunch of people and experienced totally new things compared to freshman year and went into summer totally content about becoming an upperclassman.

One sad note was the departure of Winnie who decided to transfer to NYU. Dork.

If i was forced to pick a best year, i think sophmore year would be it. While freshman year was unique and junior and senior years were amazing, sophmore year was when my eyes opened and i explored my horizons. I also met the core people who i would hang out and work with through the rest of college. Some of the best times that year was near the end when we could just congregate on the diag when it was warm and just meet up all day in between classes. I could wake up and walk out and know that Brian or Hong or somebody would be sitting out there.

Junior Year


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