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February 17, 2002

My Apartment (the one that I first moved into and lived in for one month)

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View of Beijing from the plane (sorry bad picture) My Kitchen (the roses on the counter are from Kai, he surprisingly sent them to me for Valentines) My Living Room (kind of empty but keep checking for updated pictures)


Another view of my living room (see my front door? the kitchen is to the left of that)


My room (sorry for the mess - just moving in)


Another view of my room (see the door? That's to my living room) My Bathroom (unfortunately my bathroom is my shower - hopefully I will be able to change rooms though) Another view of my bathroom


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Look! I bought fish =) I have one Beta, 2 Rosey Barbs, and 4 little shrimp (can you see the shrimp?) These are various shots  of the view I had in my  old apt - there's usually a   Chinese flag on the pole


March 22, 2002

My Apartment (the new one that I was waiting to move into and will most likely be in for the rest of the year)             

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Entrance to my apartment complex (I'm the 3rd and 4th window from the left on the top floor)  My living room as you enter the apartment My living room as you walk in more and look back  My Living room if you were on your wait out My bedroom as you enter from the living room Walking further into my bedroom Then you turn around and see another angle
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The kitchen next to the front door - looks the same as the old apt My bathroom, the door on the left leads to my bedroom Look I have a bigger bathroom now where the shower is its own separate area =) Here's the view from my apartment spanning left to right My office building is the tall one on the far left with the green roof Continuing to span right - looking down is where I would be walking from the front entrance in They're building a hotel right there and that's some sort of river (I think) =P



My Work: Office, Co-Workers, and Students

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My company name View from the back entrance Back view of the office building Hallway of my work looking in Hallway of my work looking out
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Some of the Chinese Staff

Teacher's Office Co-Workers out to lunch The classroom where I teach at night Students of my ES200 class at night

May 16, 2002

Students from my ES100 Afternoon class

Each one wanted to take their own picture =P

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My ES100 class in the afternoon All the girls Picture with just the boys Christina Dylan Abram
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Jordan Becky Sam Kayla Rose Owen
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Roy Leona and Amanda Rose Julie Christina Me Julie's ES100 class One of Julie's students (don't know his name) Another student of Julie's - Sisqo



Some friends, coworkers and added decorations to my apartment =)

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I added some new decorations on the wall - paintings of the 4 seasons Had some flowers for a little bit and also bought a plant Believe it or not: we are playing Mahjong Betty (my coworker) and I taught the rest of them how to play My friend Jay My friend Cameron before he left to go work in New York (he's Canadian)


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