Putting It All Together
Sunday, August 26 : 7:38 PM : 0 comments :

It's like the fountain of youth, but more flashy and probably less invigorating. I'd probably pick admirable personal style over everlasting life anyway. Who wants to live forever but look like crap all day long? Not me.
Two people whose styles I greatly admire have now started an amazing blog. And when I use the word "amazing," I mean that they are amazing people, and that they have amazing style, and that they have an amazing blog. It's not often a blog comes along that actually makes you wait for its next update. That's so 2002, when blogs were hot and people were stuck in "I just got out of college" boring office jobs. Now you have to make yourself worthy of a read and fight for attention. Luckily, A Question of Taste is the answer to everything. Yeah, just everything.
A historical note: I was around when Betsy and Phat Tony first hit the New York scene. They were greenie sexy cool then but they've become incandescent pillars of Manhattan now. Phat Tony has been blogging for quite some time and we've ventured into some blog collaborations -- however brief. But Betsy is proving to be his perfect blog partner and I'm crazy excited to see the two of them blogging together.
I'd actually like to see them turn their powers toward analyzing the style of people we know in common, but that may have to be through a more personal form of communication. Or at least CC me on those emails since I know you two do it anyway.
"There's no one on planet Earth right now that personifies the phrase 'done lost her mind' better than Britney Spears. She's a baby-dropping, cheetos-eating, train wreck of an aging pop star and we all know she flipped out and shaved her head a few months back but we'd much rather see her sporting some kind of fierce GI Jane buzzcut rather than what she's been doing
The Britney Spears headscarf. This look says sloppy to us. We really hate it. We think it might be ok to and fro the gym or at the beach but really never else. And what's most disturbing is the idea that this trend is spreading."
-A Question of Taste-