Happy Happy Purple Hippo
Wednesday, October 24 : 2:23 AM : 0 comments :

Shockingly, out of the many weddings I've been to, this was the first wedding with an open bar all night long. Top shelf liquor for hours on end. People were toast by seven o'clock, which made for a pretty fun time. This was also the first wedding I'd been to with little to no religious affiliation. The "pastor" was licensed by an Internet site and the speech he gave was both hilarious and brief. It was like a best man speech posing as a wedding ceremony. Fabulous stuff. The venue looked like it was an Oscar awards show and everything was classy and beautiful.
Nancy and Eddie rented a photo booth and that turned out to be a super hit. Photo booths should be de rigeur for all group functions. My wedding will have a sticker picture booth, a blogging station, boba on tap, a yogurt machine, free toy dispensers to distribute party favors, and oh so much more. Apparently my wedding will be held in Convoy. You're all invited. Bring your swimsuits too.

The best part is that James went the whole nine yards and Sexual Chocolated that shit and dropped the mic at the end. The DJ wasn't a very happy guy and said that if the mic broke, he'd have to be reimbursed. Loser. There was no question in my mind (or James') that the mic would be dropped at the end of the performance. Didn't everyone see it coming?
Here's to inevitabilities.
She's your Queen-to-be. A Queen-to-be forever. A Queen who'll do whatever his highness desires. She's your Queen-to-be. A vision of perfection. An object of affection to quench your royal fire. Completely free from infection. To be used at your discretion. Waiting only for your direction. Your Queen-to-be.