Sky High
Sunday, November 4 : 11:47 PM : 0 comments :

How does one go almost thirty years without ever witnessing a keg stand? Apparently, I'm not very worldly at all. I had thought that a keg stand described someone literally doing a handstand on a keg. I'm not sure why anyone would do such a thing but I imagined it was an acrobatic feat done while drunk -- thus the raucous cheering. Little did I know that a keg stand involved drinking beer upside down while being supported by your buddies. Frat culture is so weird. Keg stands, beer pong, rampant dating and sex. What the hell is this stuff? All I ever did at frat parties was stand around and try to not look like a loser. Obviously, mission failed!
Do you even remember the first time you encountered all this stuff? There's this whole culture you have to immediately grasp without asking anyone around you, lest you out yourself as a social retard. I had no idea what a keg looked like, much less how to tap one. Is that even the right way to use that in a sentence? I'm so confused and it's not even freshman year.
Actually, I'm a little confused about drug terms too. Can you use "high" in relation to any drug? Like, if someone is on any type of drugs they're high? And is it to "snort" or to "sniff" cocaine? Are they synonyms perhaps? D.A.R.E. didn't teach much of anything did it?
This weekend, I drove home to attend my very first thirtieth birthday party ever. Despite a schedule that demands I put everything aside but my writing (due in ten days!), I had to go down because without Lilly, I would have nothing to write anyway. I know which side my bread is buttered on. Plus she's super special and this was a night not to be missed.
It was probably the best house party I've been to in the past five years. Alchohol, food, music, lots of room to lounge. No chance of cops busting in because it was in La Jolla and totally parentally supervised. In addition, there were a whole bunch of budding couples to watch. It was fantastic walking around and observing the actions of so-and-so to figure out if maybe they were interested in each other, etc. It reminded me of middle school when at school dances -- okay "dance," I've only ever been to one -- me and my friend tried to play Cupid. I feel like we only succeeded in solidifying our dork status but it was quite a magical time as I recall.
In related unrelated news, I saw an ex-girlfriend at Yogurt World this weekend. She was my very first "real" girlfriend, meaning like our parents knew about us. Actually, that's not a good barometer for what constitutes a "real" girlfriend because she was the first and last girlfriend to admit to her parents that we were dating. Hum, maybe something's wrong with me? Nah...
During our mainly long distance relationship (I was in Michigan, she was in Santa Cruz), we racked up huge phone bills, sent each other sweet things in the mail, missed the heck out of each other, and I even got a job to support us. Yes, I took a job to support our relationship; a dime a minute long distance ain't cheap. Anyway, she ended up marrying a friend of ours and they're perfect together and now they have a beautiful baby boy that I didn't even know about until very recently. I, on the other hand, had strawberry tart with white carob chips, lychee, and a mound of mochi.