I'm available for short walks around the block, minute busting phone conversations, and unlimited texts. If you have questions, concerns, or rants, you can reach me at [email protected]
His New Clothes
Monday, April 14
: 3:22 AM
As if there weren't enough sins in the world, I read in an article about Pope Benedict XVI's upcoming U.S. visit that under his reign, pollution and social and economic injustice have been listed as sins. It's not merely expensive and disgusting to own a gas guzzler, it might be a sin every time you start that bad boy up.
I wonder if failing to recycle is a sin. "Dear God, my carbon footprint was very large this week, please forgive me."
And I'm not even sure what social and economic injustice really means so I have a hard time making fun of it. I wish the Pope would declare not having free wireless as a sin (especially in airports located near Silicon Valley of all places). I don't need miracles or faith to convert, I need broadband.
I wrote a book. Yeah, me. It's called the "The Rough Guide to Blogging" and it's the ultimate reference for all things blog. Sounds boring? Who cares, I wrote a book!
You'll buy it if you're truly my friend. Ahem. Also, leave me an Amazon review please. I said "please."