Shake It
Wednesday, April 9 : 11:40 PM : 0 comments :

When the Polaroid i-Zone cameras first came out, I was in love and took one around with me everywhere. Few things are/were as exciting as waiting for that instant picture to develop. For a year or so, the bulky red piece of plastic served as my main camera and my prototype moblog. I even bought a little mini-scanner specifically for the pictures. I recently found a little case with all the pictures I'd compiled and I'm hoping to arrange them in a big mural on my wall.
Of course, after a year of using the i-Zone, I moved on once I got a digital camera. So okay, maybe Polaroid has a point here. But still. Maybe I should be buying some film to hoard and re-sell in twenty years...
Anyway, thanks for the memories: i-Zone pictures, circa 2001-2002.