Show Me the Money
Wednesday, April 2 : 4:11 AM : 0 comments :

To keep things in perspective, this is probably the most I've ever made in one year but still, it's not very much at all. You could be a freshly minted college graduate and make more than that at your first job pretty easily. Heck, that amounts to only fifteen dollars an hour. I remember coming out of school thinking that the bare minimum salary I would accept was thirty thousand. Anything below that would be an absolute insult.
Now, nearly eight years out of school and having finally achieved my first financial landmark, I feel absolutely satisfied. Wait, is the world supposed to work this way? Shouldn't my dollars have met my cents by now and exponentially multiplied? Nearly everyone else I know is creeping steadily toward six figures. My cousins, who are way behind me in age, made easily twice what I did in my banner year. If I'm not careful, the next generation of cousins, who are still in college, might outpace me too.
I guess not really paying rent has really helped. I was mostly rent free for half the year. And technically speaking, I pretty much only worked seven months out of the twelve. And since I don't have any real bills to speak of, everything I make is immediately slush money. In a way, if I can maintain a steady thirty grand or so (and then luck into a surprise showing on Deal or No Deal in the next five years) I'll be crazy rich. Bitch.
In related news, my tax return is huge.