Point and Shoot
Saturday, October 4 : 12:06 AM : 2 comments :

After seeing seniors, women, and the occasional child outclass me in the camera technology department, I decided I should really get a new camera. My geek cred was at stake. Meet my new best friend, the Canon SD1100IS. Near infinite zoom, video capturing abilities, eight megapixels of madness, facial recognition, and a (relatively) more manly size. I'd go on about how pretty it is but I don't want to gush. But seriously, it's so pretty and silky smooth. It reminds me of drinking a chocolate Silk soymilk. Ummm.
I feel like Clark Kent post transformation. It's amazing. Needless to say, I operate the camera with the wrist strap tightened at all times for safety. My only regret is that I didn't upgrade before I went off on weeks of traveling. I guess it was just one last ride into the sunset for the Sony.
The photo with this entry is the first picture I took with the tiny camera. Note that George is already regretting buying me anything -- or just being really grabby. A coerced gift is still a gift, George. Here is the rest of the pictures I first took with this camera, from a trip to Taiwan that made me and Victor swear off visiting our homeland for the foreseeable future.
And while we're here, the pictorial history of George's hair, with some updates!